Kelly Holmes caption - SportBusiness

Dame Kelly Holmes. Photo: SportBusiness

Dole Packaged Foods Europe is launching a month of public activity in the wake of new research showing the British public are spectacularly failing to get their 5 A Day.

A survey commissioned by the company asked 2,000 adults in the UK about their eating habits, and found that only a quarter are getting their recommmended five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Almost half (47 per cent) do not eat fruit or vegetables every day, while only 10 per cent could quantify how much fruit and veg constitutes one portion.

Astoundingly, some nine per cent of consumers identified tuna as a fruit or a vegetable, while three per cent reckon turkey is one of your 5 A Day.

In an effort to encourage the nation to increase their fruit and veg intake - and on the back of new research suggesting 10 A Day should be consumers' ultimate goal - Dole Packaged Foods Europe has launched More Fruit Month throughout March.

The campaign, backed by former Olympian Dame Kelly Holmes, aims to educate consumers on the simple steps they can take to get their 5 A Day. Also involved is nutritionist Fiona Hunter, who is providing tips to help people incorporate more fresh produce and make lasting changes to their diets.

Dame Kelly said: 'This March I am supporting More Fruit Month and encouraging Brits to get more fruit into their diets. Fruit and veg is a really key part of a balanced diet and has always been a vital part of my meals.

'Although some people can find it hard to incorporate fruit into their diet, I’m a strong believer that anyone can lead a healthy lifestyle, it’s just a case of making smart food choices. Whether it’s adding fruit to your yogurt or breakfast bowl, or snacking on fruit while on the go, there are plenty of options.”

Dole has also recently launched two new products to make it easier for consumers to eat healthier - a Frozen Fruit range and Resealable Fridge Packs.