Markets news from Fresh Produce Journal

Essential stories, analysis and research from UK’s fresh produce markets, with a focus on retail, wholesale, marketing, and consumers.


NFU Education sets new ‘live lessons’ record

14 March 2025By

NFU Education Live Lessons inspire almost half a million schoolchildren to learn about farming during British Science Week 2025

TGTG x Lagomchef

Aldi marks Food Action Waste Week with two-pronged campaign

14 March 2025By

Aldi gives shoppers chance to win a year’s supply of Too Good to Go Surprise Bags and teams up with Lagomchef in its bid to cut food waste

Fruitnet Berry Congress stage Cindy

Berry business bursting with potential

13 March 2025By

Fruitnet Berry Congress hears how there’s plenty of room for growth in the category – but better marketing is key

Organic products

Defra SFI decision ‘risks organic sector’

12 March 2025By

Organic farming body says government move to halt SFI applications threatens domestic supply of sustainable food

Picking avocado up in supermarket

Avocados “unfairly scapegoated” says WAO

12 March 2025By

World Avocado Organisation responds to UK gardener Alan Titchmarsh’s interview in The Times, where he expressed concerns over the fruit’s environmental impact


Rockit launches new marketing platform ahead of strong 2025 season

11 March 2025By

New Zealand snack-sized apple marketer prepares to export over 230mn apples this season  

Duncan Jones spoke to FPJ at Fruit Logistica 2025

Consumer education key as Sinclair rolls out new compostable label

6 March 2025By

Sinclair’s senior marketing manager Duncan Jones explains why effective communication with customers and consumers is key to adoption of the new Sinclair-T55 compostable sticker


Bloss apple scoops top Superior Taste Award

12 February 2025By

New Dutch apple variety wins prestigious taste award at International Taste Institute


The Happy Pear backs Veg Power seasonal campaign

11 February 2025By

Plant-based-food promoters throw support behing Veg Power’s social media UK veg campaign, #SeasonalVeg

Children eating at school Adobe

University of Leicester calls for collaboration to boost sustainability of local food

11 February 2025By

The Food and Land Use Summit in Leicester aims to foster a collaborative approach to sustainability, highlighting the importance of local and sustainable food production


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Celina pear South Africa QTee

Celina now packed in South Africa under QTee brand

10 February 2025By

South African blushed pears are receiving a boost with selected exporters now sending Celina under a new brand

Pink Lady

Pink Lady apples lay out ambitious plans for 2030

10 February 2025By

With Pink Lady continuing to buck the downward trend of the European apple category, new president Bruno Bertheloz aims to have 100mn people in Europe enjoying Pink Lady annually

Tesco grape trial

Tesco trials new approach with table grapes

2 February 2025By

Supermarket is selling grapes with flavour and texture labels to find out more about consumer preferences

Albert Bartlett potatoes

Albert Bartlett potatoes benefit from Minecraft movie tie-in

29 January 2025By

The UK potato supplier hopes its partnership with Warner Bros. Discovery and A Minecraft Movie will attract new customers into the chilled potato category

UK empty shelves

ARU leads £2m project to save UK from food shortages

29 January 2025By

Anglia Ruskin University leads work to avoid collapse of UK’s food system