Important developments in the UK’s food retail arena, with a focus on fresh produce procurement, distribution, marketing, merchandising, and new product development.
Aldi gives shoppers chance to win a year’s supply of Too Good to Go Surprise Bags and teams up with Lagomchef in its bid to cut food waste
Fruitnet Berry Congress hears how there’s plenty of room for growth in the category – but better marketing is key
Cash will help the retailer’s British suppliers invest in low-carbon projects
Sinclair’s senior marketing manager Duncan Jones explains why effective communication with customers and consumers is key to adoption of the new Sinclair-T55 compostable sticker
Analysis of five-year trend shows changes in consumer shopping and consumption patterns
Supermarket commits an additional £4 million to areas most in need
It’s all change at the top as Morrisons makes a number of hires, including from other supermarkets
Circana report analyses the performance in France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the UK
Arrangement sees more than 400 M&S Food products come to roadside locations
Grower New Forest Fruit has used modern techniques to extend the British season
The Fresh Produce Journal is the UK's leading source of fruit and vegetable industry news and analysis.
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New Dutch apple variety wins prestigious taste award at International Taste Institute
Announcement comes as discounter is again named Britain’s cheapest supermarket
Move follows research showing kids who learn to cook are more likely to eat healthily
New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier and detox after the Christmas binge have helped fruit and veg sales
The supermarket has worked with Stourgarden, ProPrint Group and Ravenwood Packaging on the range
Supermarket is selling grapes with flavour and texture labels to find out more about consumer preferences
All categories across the store will be included in the new initiative
Retailer says move is a critical step in its Farming for Nature programme
Anglia Ruskin University leads work to avoid collapse of UK’s food system
British Apples & Pears Limited unveils retailer rankings for British apple sales during first four months of apple season