Latest news stories from Fresh Produce Journal

News updates for the UK fresh produce business.

Charities help bring surplus food to those in need

£15m government fund aims to boost food redistribution


Initiative hopes to strengthen relationships between farmers and food charities

Tom Bradshaw

NFU president outlines farming industry hopes for 2025


After a difficult past 12 months for farmers, Tom Bradshaw is calling for better government support

Chris Chinn and Kenny MacLeod

M&S sells new-season British asparagus before Christmas


Limited selection of early pickings from Wye Valley Produce went on sale in Hereford

Branston has donated two million meals to tackle food poverty (2)

Branston donates two million meals to FareShare


The potato supplier regularly supplies the charity with surplus spuds to create nutritious meals 

Ruth Grice NSch presenter her findings iat the 2024 Nuffield Farming Conference in Belfast

Nuffield Farming Scholarships open in January


Applications for 2026 Nuffield Farming Scholarships will open on 29 January 2025


Eco Clipper AM5 Prototype in Field Test

AgriRobot secures funding to boost field-robot project


The Danish agritech company raises total of €2.5 million to accelerate development of operator-free field-robots

Alex and Mark

GB Potatoes announces new chair


Alex Godfrey takes over from Mark Taylor as chairman of the potato organisation


New project aims to improve tomato growing with AI


TomatoGuard uses AI-powered digital nose sensor to detect early signs of crop stress

Sean Purcell - Fyffes Ireland

Fyffes Ireland appoints new head of sales


Sean Purcell joins Fyffes Ireland as head of sales – responsible for Ireland business performance 

British Tomato Growers Association chair Simon Conway is among four new members to join the Veg Power board

Veg Power strengthens board with four new members


Simon Conway, Tom Firth, Tom Lindsay and Karen Schenstrom join Veg Power board


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Potato blight is a devastating disease that caused the Irish Potato Famine in the 1800s

New project to peel away the secrets of potato blight


Initiative will study Phytophthora, a group of fungus-like microbes that cause many devastating plant diseases

Soil Association Scotland says organic growers already take a whole-farm approach

Soil Association Scotland welcomes whole-farm plan for BPS


Scottish Government has long-term plans to double the area of organic farmland

Defra secretary Steve Reed

Government underlines cash investment in rural economy


Defra outlines current payments and upcoming changes to Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier

Photo Banana Link

NGO calls for migrant workers to be documented in Dominican Republic banana sector


Banana Link says country’s banana sector employs around 70,000 Haitian migrants, who currently face the threat of deportation under a government decree

Martin Emmett

Why NLW and NI changes are the biggest current threat to growers


Martin Emmett, chair of the NFU Horticulture & Potatoes Board, explains why despite the shock over IHT rules, the most immediate challenge comes from wage and National Insurance hikes