Yorkshire Orchards is a small, family-run commercial orchard, which aims to offer quality fruit, at an affordable price. We grow mainly apples and pears, which naturally count as one portion of the recommended 5 A DAY.

We feel that the 5 A DAY Just Eat More (fruit and veg) logo and message is now widely recognised by the general public, and is becoming increasingly associated with healthy eating.

We use the 5 A DAY logo on our customer literature as well as on our website, which helps to remind customers about the importance of healthy eating and the benefits of eating a variety of at least five portions of fruit and veg a day.

We also display 5 A DAY posters at our open days to promote the concept of eating well, and inform the public as to what constitutes a portion.

As we are based in Yorkshire, a county that is not naturally associated with fruit growing, we feel that we can play an important role in helping to raise awareness of the 5 A DAY message within the region.

We do so by engaging regularly with local residents, either on the farm, where we sell our produce directly to customers, or at local farmers’ markets, where we also sell much of our fresh produce. We frequently offer samples of our apples on our stand, which can help to encourage even the fussiest of eaters to try our fruit. As we grow a wide variety of different apples, there is usually one to suit each individual palate.

Our October open days, which coincide with Apple Day, also offer the public the opportunity to sample our produce, when we usually have around 60 different varieties to taste. It is a simple yet very effective way of promoting healthy eating, as we find that people are far more likely to eat something if it tastes good, and also if it is suited to their taste.

As many of our apples are naturally sweet, they offer a healthy alternative to sugary snacks or desserts, ensuring that for some people it is easier to follow the recommended 5 A DAY guidelines.

In the future, we plan to continue to promote healthy eating as much as possible, and display the 5 A DAY logo on our literature to encourage healthier food consumption by all.

For more information, visit www.yorkshireorchards.co.uk