Wallace, right, enjoys a tenderstem moment with Andy Macdonald of Coregeo last year

Wallace, right, enjoys a tenderstem moment with Andy Macdonald of Coregeo last year

Peckham greengrocer-cum-radio presenter Gregg Wallace has hit out against the validity of organics, saying it is not a guarantee of safe, healthy food or a better existence for farmers.

Wallace, well-known for his frankness by fans of his Radio Four show,Veg Talk, said he did not believe in the concept, advocating that people consider locality when purchasing produce instead.

“People are rightly concerned about GM foods but they have run totally in the opposite direction believing that organic is the answer,” he said.

“Yet 85 per cent of the organic veg sold in this country is imported from abroad. People have this idea they’re helping out some small farmer somewhere but instead it’s a massive factory in Venezuela and/or Nairobi.”

Wallace also dismissed claims that organic food was superior in taste or quality.

He said: “I’m not a scientist so I can’t say that all pesticides are fine, but, believe me farmers are not drenching their, produce in highly expensive chemicals. Salt water is great for getting rid of slugs, so does that make the sea a pesticide? It’s all barmy.

“I believe in buying local produce in season. Food shouldn’t travel miles. As soon as you pick your veg it begins to lose flavour.”
