All Organics articles
Berry business bursting with potential
Fruitnet Berry Congress hears how there’s plenty of room for growth in the category – but better marketing is key
Defra SFI decision ‘risks organic sector’
Organic farming body says government move to halt SFI applications threatens domestic supply of sustainable food
Positive picture for organics as strong sales growth reported
Soil Association Certification’s latest Organic Market Report gives many reasons for optimism
Eosta introduces organic Medjool dates from Morocco
Morocco’s proximity makes it an ideal source for organic Medjool dates, according to the Dutch organics specialist, ensuring fast and flexible deliveries to respond to market demand
Fruit Logistica: New fruits and vegetables by design – part 2
The second of a two-part session on the Fresh Produce Forum stage looked at what must be done to match the expectations of retailers, consumers and policymakers
Organic farming: challenges and perspectives
What rules apply to organic fruit production in the EU, and how are organic labels used to communicate with consumers?
Organic consumers appreciate Cara Cara oranges, says It’s Bio
The organic Cara Cara orange is a great example of how premium taste can go hand-in-hand with sustainability, according to the It’s Bio project to spread organic values among consumers in Italy, Belgium and Greece
Argentinean producers of organic apples and pears consider alternatives to Europe
Rising costs are forcing organic topfruit growers in Argentina to look at alternatives to the European market, either in the better-paying US or closer to home
Iran identifies challenges to boosting organic produce sector
Iran Organic Association hosted a seminar to highlight key areas of development to support Iran’s organic sector, including education, infrastructure and international collaboration
Success of organics ‘depends on retail expansion’
As Made in Nature campaign concludes, research suggests there is still plenty of potential to grow sales
Move to mainstream retail helps organic sales recover in Germany
New USDA report suggests decreased inflation has also contributed to an improvement in sales of organic produce
Fruit World and Creekside Organics complete merger
The 50-50 merger will strengthen family farms and expand services for customers
If the climate threat is so urgent, why not talk about it?
The presidential contenders’ wildly differing views on the climate threat appeared indecisive in the US election, but the reasons behind this may be instructive for fresh produce businesses globally
Video: Sawari puts down local roots with Dutch ginger supply
Sawari Fresh has made its name as a garlic and ginger importer. Now it wants to develop local ginger production in Europe
Organic yellow kiwifruit a winner in Italy, Belgium and Greece
It’s Bio campaign sees strong demand growth among consumers who are concerned about health and sustainability
Soil Association Scotland welcomes whole-farm plan for BPS
Scottish Government has long-term plans to double the area of organic farmland
IFOAM tells EU to “seize the moment” on a sustainable future
European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming publishes EC Vision for Agriculture and Food recommendations
NGO calls for migrant workers to be documented in Dominican Republic banana sector
Banana Link says country’s banana sector employs around 70,000 Haitian migrants, who currently face the threat of deportation under a government decree
VIP takes on climate change challenge
Varietal development, orchard protection and new processing techniques are yielding positive results
Eosta launches organic rain-grown avocado
The Dutch organics importer says its avocados from Kenya and Tanzania help to conserve water resources and meet the needs of eco-conscious consumers