Voxpops go live on freshinfo

Voxpops go live on freshinfo

People in London Fields air their views

People in London Fields air their views

Appearing on freshinfo today will be the first in a series of video voxpops, recorded to provide our readers with an insight into UK consumer perspectives on fresh produce and the issues that surround its consumption and our industry.

FPJ has commissioned Jonny Madderson, of Just So Films, to travel the country and collect the views of the industry’s lifeblood, its customers. He started close to base, at London Fields, with the subject of healthy eating and 5 A DAY, and has uncovered some interesting opinions and attitudes to the government-backed message.

“We chose a really good subject to kick off with, because people were really engaged with it. Most people I asked were up for giving an answer,” he said. “It was interesting that nearly everyone knew the number of portions they should be eating, and also good news for the Eat in Colour campaign, because a few people were aware that you should eat different colours.”

Other respondents gave their reasons for failing to eat 5 A DAY, and, in the interests of keeping the film to a watchable length, Madderson has cut other views on subjects such as vegetarianism - one man claimed to eat only raw food - different ideas on what a portion equates to, and the disproportionate importance parents attach to giving their children 5 A DAY.

Tommy Leighton, FPJ and freshinfo editor, said: “Over the last four years, through our involvement with Re:fresh, we have invested in bringing both consumer and industry research to the industry. We recognise the expense involved in carrying out this type of research in-house and that many companies are unable to invest in such initiatives.

“We are not claiming that this offer is going to change the course of the trade, but we hope that by providing our readers with some much-needed consumer feedback, we might be able to switch a few lights on and point some of you, and your businesses, in the same direction as the people who make the key decisions that will shape your futures.”
