David Drew MP

David Drew Image credit Wikipedia

Labour MP for Stroud David Drew has been named as shadow minister for Defra as part of Jeremy Corbyn’s reshuffle.

Drew, who is a vegetarian, told local paperGloucestershire Echo thathe is “looking forward to giving Mr Gove a hard time” and “sparring” with him across the chamber.

He has previously served on Efra and agriculture committees, and in the pasthas voted against further integration with the EU, according to politics watchdog theyworkforyou.com.

It’s not the first time Labour has appointed a non meat-eater to its shadow cabinet – former Defra minister Kerry McCarthy was a vegan.

“It is a big time to be taking on this role as we are re-writing agricultural policy due to Brexit so we will have to see what we can do,” Drew told the Gloucestershire Echo.

Halifax MP Holly Lynch has also been named as part of the new shadow Defra team, taking on the role of floods minister.

Previous environment minister Rachael Maskell, who resigned from her post to vote against article 50, has taken a role in transport.

Corbyn said: “I’m delighted to be filling Labour’s shadow front bench with a wealth of talent. Our new shadow ministers will bolster the excellent work of Labour’s shadow cabinet and departmental teams.”