UK value emphasis on berries

The Seasonal Berries campaign will this year focus on delivering key messages to highlight the value and better taste from British berries in season.

The PR initiative, run by Sputnik on behalf of British Summer Fruits, will exploit media and consumer interest in home-grown produce and value-for-money buys.

Detailed information about berry varieties and growing seasons will be made available to demonstrate the breadth of the British berry offering and range available to the UK consumer.

The campaign has already kicked off and much work is being done to secure high-profile opportunities for British growers to talk about the industry and why it is important to support domestic berry growers.

The overall themes of thrift and reducing wastage will be echoed throughout the campaign’s events and activities. A number of consumer berry tastings are planned, as well as a tour of the main media houses.

The website will remain an important hub for all information about berry varieties, growing, usage and health information.

More information about the campaign will be announced in May at the start of the British strawberry season.