A Dutch manual on weed control in arable and vegetable crops has been released in the UK.

The guide, entitled “Practical Weed Control in arable and outdoor vegetable cultivation without chemicals”, was originally produced by the Applied Plant Research group at Wageningen University.

With help from the HDRA organic weed management team it has been translated into English and presented with plastic pages for practical farm use.

The manual is intended for organic farmers and growers but HDRA feels it may also appeal to conventional farmers wishing to use less chemicals.

It is divided into four section: prevention, weeds, crops and machinery. The section on preventing weeds includes information on the use of rotations, false seedbeds, sowing and planting methods as well as the use of mulches and intercropping for weed suppression.

The second section outlines types of weeds farmers are likely to find, how they spread and a summary of the damage they are likely to cause if left to grow.

This is followed by advice on making weeding decisions in specific crops and crop types, including guidance on which machinery can be used at different stages of crop or weed growth.

The final section on farm machinery gives a detailed overview of the mode of action and practical use of a range of weeding machinery including harrows, flame weeders, finger weeders and brush weeders among other equipment.

The manual retails at £15 and can be ordered directly from HDRA.