Brassica brand Tenderstem saw sales and volumes rise by 23 per cent during 2016 continuing its record of double-digit growth for the last five years.
With heavy investment in marketing, advertising and PR, and celebrity endorsement from the likes of Joe Wicks (aka The Body Coach), Tenderstem said it is now the fourth-largest brand in the fresh produce category.
Volume of Tenderstem seed planted in the UK this season also increased by about 10 per cent compared to 2015, according to Stuart Cox, managing director of Tenderstem breeder Sakata UK.
Marketing activity in 2016 included a roadtrip around London and the south east for its ‘Green Light District’ experiential campaign, designed to develop brand personality by encouraging members of the public to ‘take me home today’ and ‘try me… naked, spicy, steamy’. The activity achieved interaction with over 50,000 members of the public across 12 days of activity.
Michelle Toft, chief marketing officer at Coregeo, said: “We’re extremely proud of the consistent quality the Tenderstem brand has come to be known for, and excited to record the amazing growth the brand has seen over the last year.
“We know that driving trial is a powerful way for us to educate consumers about Tenderstem’s unique qualities, enabling them to experience first-hand how delicious it is.”