Team Jazz

Team Jazz

Worldwide Fruit’s consumer awareness campaign for its Jazz apple variety has just selected its first 10 brand ambassadors to be part of the Team Jazz project.

The team has been searching for up-and-coming sporting talent to support with cash funding, a publicity campaign and free kit.

The successful 10, seen here dressed like superheroes, have been drawn from winter sports, rowing, basketball, cycling, beach volleyball, climbing, martial arts and track and field events, as well as sailing.

The initiative is intended to raise awareness of the Jazz brand and further position the so-called “apple with bite” as a fruit synonymous with healthy living and sport.

The Team Jazz promotional activity has been an integral part of a PR campaign that has helped the brand reach a readership in excess of 26 million this year.

It’s a good thing these athletes are used to competing, because a huge number of applications were received. Team Jazz will now look to generate media coverage for the brand through each ambassador’s achievements and endeavours.

Jazz commercial manager Gary Harrison said: “The Team Jazz activity has been an exciting part of a very successful media awareness campaign for Jazz Apples. Not only does this activity provide us with 10 excellent brand ambassadors to spread the message of Jazz, but it also helps us continue to position the brand and highlight core brand values.

“We feel that the 10 successful candidates have big futures ahead of them and epitomise the Jazz brand through their chosen sport, personality and achievements.”
