Style Icons: Best Fresh unveils premium range

The Best Fresh Group has launched a new fresh fruit and vegetable brand called Icons with packaging designed to present the season's 'most beautiful' and 'tastiest fruit and vegetables' in a striking box.

Each product comes with a unique number, colour and related name. So, raspberries have been given the number 19 and named 'real raspberry red', while red peppers are up against the classic flake with the number 99 and the name 'hot flaming red'.

Best Fresh Group says this is how it demonstrates "Icons is a collection in which each product comes with its story".

The company also wants shoppers to share their appreciation of the packaging using social media so it has added QR-codes that open a particular website when scanned with a smartphone.

It said: "We placed a unique QR-code on each packaging which allows the consumers to give their appreciation about the product and subsequently to find more information about the product."

The first collection consists of the Tomberry - a baby-sweet point pepper blended with a cherry tomato, creamy sweet mangoes and strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and currants.