Southgate Publishers is an independent educational publishing company, which was established in 1991.

From the response to our previous healthy-eating titles, and from working with teachers, we realised the need to promote the joys of fruit and veg to as wide an audience as possible. We have developed Five-a-Day Pro, which was written by two parents, Jenny Swann and Anne Prendergast, to encourage children to eat their five portions of fruit and veg each day.

The book features the department of health Just Eat More (fruit & veg) logo, and includes tips and recipes for parents to incorporate more fruit and veg into their family’s diet.

The colourful 32-page book, illustrated with numerous photos, ideas and recipes, is designed to help parents convert their children to enjoy and benefit from a healthy diet that incorporates 5 A DAY.

As well as featuring lots of interesting facts about popular fruit and vegetables, the book includes practical tips for cooking. From experience with their own families, and for one of the authors through her work as a GP, both Jenny and Anne felt that advice on how best to prepare and serve fruit and veg to kids was an essential part of helping children to have a positive view about eating 5 A DAY.

We agree on the huge importance of parents involving their children in healthy eating, and so Five- a-Day Pro includes ideas about how to involve kids in preparing and cooking, and games to make mealtimes fun. Instead of a traditional focus on disguising fruit or vegetables, the book is instead focused on how to engage children’s curiosity and spirit of adventure. The book turns eating 5 A DAY into a fun challenge, rather than a target that families will find hard to reach.

For us, the department of health’s 5 A DAY logo is an essential part of the book. We feel that it gives the book an authority, showing readers that the recipes and tips featured will help them to meet their 5 A DAY target. At Southgate, we want to promote healthy eating and 5 A DAY to as many parents and children as possible, via organisations such as schools, children’s centres, primary care trusts and local authorities.

The book is reasonably priced, so that organisations can buy Five-a-Day Pro to hand out to parents. Often, organisations tend to run a workshop to support the book.

We would like to continue to promote eating healthily in the future by working with other organisations, including suppliers of fruit and veg, to tie in with Five-a-Day Pro workshops across the country.

For more information, or to discuss Five-a-Day Pro, please email, or visit âóè