HRH Prince Charles, royal patron of the Soil Association

HRH Prince Charles, royal patron of the Soil Association

Organic lobby and certification group the Soil Association is celebrating a hat trick of awards this past week. Royal patron and organic grower HRH the Prince of Wales was awarded the awareness award at last week’s British Environment & Media Awards (Bema) for his impact on raising public awareness of environmental issues, in particular climate change.

And the association’s school foods policy adviser Jeanette Orrey and policy director Peter Melchett won Bema’s best environment campaign for their ongoing Food For Life programme. The programme made headlines last year when it sparked national debate on the state of school meals and with chef Jamie Oliver the association’s campaign has helped alter school meals.

And Soil Association director Patrick Holden completed the hat trick when he received the Observer Food Monthly’s Hall of Fame award for his achievements during 10 years at the helm of the association

“Sixty years ago the Soil Association was a lone voice challenging the growing shift to industrial agriculture, now millions of people across the world share the concerns of our founders for the consequent impacts on human and planetary health,” said Holden on receipt of his award.
