Patrick Holden

Patrick Holden

Soil Association director, Patrick Holden is stepping down after 15 years in post to focus on international food security work.

He will hand over to his successor following a publicly advertised recruitment process on 30 September.

Holden has worked at the association for more than two decades. He said: ”Over the last 20 years I have developed an international network of contacts with individuals and organizations in the sustainable agriculture and food movement. Despite developments in the market and a growing awareness of the fundamental changes necessary in the food system, more needs to be done on a global level in terms of research, communications and influencing policy if we are going to address the global food crisis. To do that, we need to do more as an international community and so I feel this should be the focus of my energy, now.”

Holden will be missed at the association which has been at the forefront of the organic movement in the UK for more than 60 years.

Soil Association chair of trustees, Orna Ni-Chionna, said: “Patrick is a leader of exceptional insight and wisdom. His unique talents, experience and skills will be very difficult to replace. But we know that he will bring urgently needed impetus to international initiatives and we are delighted that we will still have opportunities to work closely together.”
