International vegetable seed breeder Enza Zaden has been nominated for the much-desired Fruit Logistica Innovation Award for the second successive year.

This year, the vegetable breeding company from Enkhuizen has been nominated for Sweetgreen, a sweet pepper with a high vitamin C content making Enza Zaden the first company to be nominated for the award two years in a row.

The brix level of Sweetgreen, for instance, is thought to be up to fifty per cent higher than the yet known sweet pepper varieties. This means that the sugar level of Sweetgreen may equal the one of a mature pepper and therefore, taste sweet.

The higher sugar level can be explained by the fact that Sweetgreen is a completely matured fruit despite its unripe, green colour. Through natural selection, Enza Zaden Research & Development developed this unique pepper which retains its green colour during its ripening process instead or turning red of yellow.

Its vitamin content is comparable to that of mature fruits. When compared to, for example, an orange the vitamin C level is even at least twice as high.

Fruit Logistica which takes place in Berlin on February 4-6, is the largest and most prestigious fair in the world in the field of fruit and vegetable.

Last year, Enza Zaden was nominated for the forgotten vegetable ‘Urgurke’. During the Fruit Logistica, visitors vote for the product they think is the most innovative, the Innovation Award 2009 will be presented on the final day.