Organic vegetables

The Soil Association Certification expects the value of the organic market to exceed £2 billion this year

In the first arrangement of its kind, SALSA and Soil Association Certification are launching a dual audit for small and micro producers in the UK wishing to hold certification for both organic and food safety.

The new dual audit, designed to save producers time and money, is a collaboration between Soil Association Certification, which certifies over 70% of the expanding organic food and drink sector, and SALSA, the food safety certification scheme for the UK’s small producers.

Sally Ball, SALSA scheme manager, said: “This new tie-in represents a significant milestone for both certification bodies and for our small producers.It allows members to reap the significant time and cost saving rewards, whilst ensuring they are operating to a robust, recognised food safety standard.”

The dual audit will be available to new and existing SALSA-registered businesses and all Soil Association Certification licensees wishing to extend their credentials.

Under the new scheme, instead of being audited on two separate occasions, businesses will be audited just once within a single working day. And businesses that register for the new option will save £100 on the regular SALSA fee.

Stroud-based Kitchen Garden Foods, which makes jams and preserves, is one business that requires both Soil Association Certification and SALSA certifications.

James Horwood, the company’s sales and marketing manager, explained: “We know that organic is growing, but there are still hurdles small businesses like us need to cross. A joint audit will help us prove to buyers and customers that we have people’s best interests at heart – that we are producing organically grown, safe food independently certified by both Soil Association Certification and SALSA.'

He added: “As a small business, we don’t have huge amounts of resource, so being able to combine the two accreditations really makes sense.”

This year, the Soil Association Certification expects the value of the organic market to exceed £2 billion and its recent Organic Market Report highlighted Ocado, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose as the biggest retailers of organic with over 8 per cent of the total supermarket sales of organic produce between them.

The dual audit option is due to launch in November, but businesses can register an expression of interest through the SALSA website at SALSA Dual Audits.