Red Cabbage Pic 3 Import

There has been a substantial volume growth in red cabbage, according to a leading grower and supplier of the product.

According to Produce World Group, UK consumers are recognising the high nutritional value of the veg and making it a part of their meals all year-round – not just at Christmas.

Red cabbage grew in volume by a huge 48.9 per cent compared with last year, and is considered to be the most nutritious of the cabbage family, with it having ten times more vitamin A and twice as much iron as traditional green cabbage.

The findings were announced ahead of National Cabbage Day (17 February), with Produce World keen to highlight the multiple benefits of cabbages and the different varieties that UK consumers can use as part of their weekly meals.

Andrew Burgess, agricultural director at Produce World, said: “Cabbages have been a part of a staple diet of many UK households for years due its nutritional value and versatility as a vegetable.

From quick Chinese stir-fries to your typical Sunday roast, cabbages are the ideal vegetables for any meal or occasion. Luckily the UK has the ideal growing conditions to grow the best cabbages in the world, with Produce World providing enough for nearly half a million UK consumers each year.”

In general, cabbages are posting strong volume growth. New varieties of cabbage like Pointed Sweetheart helped pointed/ crispy cabbage achieve a volume growth of 30 per cent, while old favourites like white cabbage and savoy cabbage posted 15.2 per cent and 7.2 per cent volume growth respectively