Presentation of collage at SAHC 27.01.15 1 low res

The recent presentation in London. (L-R): general manger for trade and markets at Hortgro, Jacques du Preez; CEO of Fruit South Africa, Konanani Liphadzi; Hortgro vice-chairman, André Smit; CEO of Hortgro, Anton Rabe; chairman SA Apple and Pear Producers' Association, Nicholas Dicey; counsellor for bilateral relations at the High Commission, Allan Wright; and first secretary at the High Commission, Sisanda Lisa

A delegation representing the South African fruit industry visited the High Commission of South Africa in Trafalgar Square to raise awareness of the Help a South African School competition, which has been launched for a fourth year.

The competition invites schoolchildren from across the UK to learn about South African fruit farming and the difference it makes to thousands of families in the country.

The pupils then make a collage about the subject.

Schools are asked to submit their collages for the opportunity to win up to £1,000 to spend on school resources.

As part of the project, they are also asked to donate unwanted school books, which will be collected free-of-charge and shipped to schools in rural areas of South Africa by competition partners MyHermes and Damco.

More information about the project can be found via this link.