Report urges junk food ad ban

The author of a new report that slams the food industry for failing to keep promises on the advertising of junk food to children has called on the fresh produce industry to work to get such advertising banned and increase its own marketing to children.

A Junk-Free Childhood 2012: Marketing Foods and Beverages to Children in Europe, published on Thursday by the International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO), found that advertising junk food continues to undermine children's health.

The review of advertising in Europe undertaken by IASO, a not-for-profit organisation based in London, cited industry figures showing children’s exposure to advertisements for fatty and sugary foods had fallen by barely a quarter over the last six years.

The report’s author, Dr Tim Lobstein, said: “The food and beverage companies were told in 2004 by the then European health commissioner Markos Kyprianou that they must cut their advertising to children or face regulation. The figures show that self-regulation achieved only a 29 per cent fall in children's exposure, which is deeply disappointing. Exposure is now creeping up again in some countries.”

He praised the UK, which was not included in his study, for going beyond self-regulation and also looked to the fresh produce industry for greater action. “I would like to encourage the fresh produce trade to support moves for stronger regulation of advertising of junk food to children. This advertising undermines a healthier diet and consumption of fresh produce as junk food is then chosen as a replacement for fruit and vegetables.”

He added that the problem is even worse because companies are allowed to set their own standards for what they consider to be junk food and they set the bar too low. Lobstein said: “Our report found over 30 fatty and sugary foods which are classified as unhealthy in government-approved schemes across Europe and the US but which are considered healthy by the manufacturers and which they allow themselves to advertise.

“Self-regulation simply does not work in a highly competitive marketplace. Asking the companies to restrict their own marketing is like asking a burglar to fix the locks on your front door.”

Proposals being debated in Norway this month suggest that all advertising of junk food, which targets anyone under age 18 should be restricted by law. “Children have a champion in Norway,” said Lobstein. “We want this high level of protection applied across Europe.”

Lobstein said that there was more scope for fresh produce companies to look at targeting children through online advertising. "It is not as expensive and there is much more scope there for fresh produce companies," he added.
