The first ever Pride of Produce World events have recognised some outstanding employees at the company.
The Peterborough supplier’s internal awards scheme looked to reward staff from the group’s five companies.
Among the winners was the HQ-based IT department, which walked away with the title of Team of the Year for relocating the company’s server room.
Factory manager Richard Heppleston was awarded the title of Colleague of the Year for his work in leading the processing team. The award for Outstanding Innovation of the Year went to the Field Factory, which has been introduced to allow broccoli to be packed in the field.
Forklift truck driver Kevin Forman, a member of the Parish Council, a Governor at the local primary school, and a fundraiser for playground facilities for local children in his village of Butterwick, won the award for Community Impact.
Produce World CEO William Burgess said: “As a business we have invested a lot of time and money in developing our staff and empowering them to play a greater role in their workplaces. Our CSR programme is award-winning and encourages people to take responsibility both inside and outside the workplace. We have had a really good response to this first awards scheme and it’s great to see some excellent examples of this philosophy in action. The awards scheme has allowed us to recognise just some of the individuals who contribute to our ongoing success.”