Brand’s new promotional drive draws upon the science of snacking and how to maximise enjoyment of food

Pink Lady apples is unveiling a new campaign designed to showcase the multisensory experience of eating its apples.

Professor Charles Spence Oxford University Pink Lady

Professor Charles Spence

The leading fresh produce brand said it was driving the apple category forward with its latest integrated campaign, which draws upon the science of snacking and how to maximise enjoyment of food.

The new campaign involves a collaboration with leading gastrophysicist Professor Charles Spence from Oxford University.

“Market research and consumer panels indicated the reason Pink Lady is such a firm favourite with consumers is the multisensory eating experience,” said Kyla Flynn, PR and social manager for Pink Lady UK.

”The unique combination of a crisp crunch and sweet juicy burst, plus the beautiful blush colour are the reason shoppers opt for Pink Lady over other apples,” she continued. ”The unique flavour profile is something which no other apple brand or variety can compete with.

”We want our consumers to understand why they love a Pink Lady apple so much, demystifying the science of why a Pink Lady apple is so satisfying.”

Pink Lady has worked with Spence – who has done extensive work in the field of ‘gastrophysics’: how the science of the senses can be used to enhance our experience of food – to look at the interplay between the senses when a person eats a Pink Lady apple.

”Amongst other things, his project explores how the colour pink has been revealed to be the sweetest colour, meaning the distinctive rosy blush of the UK’s number one apple brand, and even the brand name, sets sweet taste expectations that will follow through on the palate,” the group noted. “He also explores how we have an innate enjoyment of crunchy and crispy foods since they help to draw our attention to the sensations in our mouth.”

Spence’s previous work has included working with Heston Blumenthal on his gastronomic experiences at Michelin-starred restaurant The Fat Duck.

The campaign will consist of media relations, video content creation, extensive social media advertising and influencer collaborations, with all touchpoints aiming to drive frequency of purchase amongst existing customers and to encourage trial amongst shoppers yet to buy into the brand.