Finn Cottle

Finn Cottle

The Organic Trade Board (OTB) is finalising its ‘Go for Growth’ Business Plan with the objective of adding £1 billion in sales by 2015.

The OTB was set up to work as the ‘voice of the industry’ and hopes the new plan will be representative of the current views, issues and challenges which face each sector within the organic industry.

The groundwork has been completed by trade consultant Finn Cottle, who has been working as a trade consultant at the OTB for several months, having contacted both branded and retail brand producers for their input to the status of the market and the future outlook.

Cottle said of the plan: “There is a tremendous amount of support to protect and grow organic sales. Despite the recession, loyal organic customers are staying loyal and the potential for converting both lapsed and new customers into this market is still huge. With the right holistic, yet simple message which conveys the main attributes of organic within different food and non-food categories, consumers will be targeted and reminded of the benefits of buying organic.

“The OTB is firmly behind the EU bid for generic marketing funds and believes that a ‘primer’ campaign is needed in advance of EU funds being awarded. The organic message needs to be communicated now.”

The business plan will identify the key streams of work and how each individual company will be able to get involved and actively support the plan, to build future growth.

The plan will be officially launched to the organic industry on September 22 at a conference in central London.
