Fruit & Veg 19 Organic winter vegetables

Organic sales have outperformed those of non-organic products over the summer months, new figures show.

The Nielsen data, presented by the market analyst at the Soil Association's annual market briefing, show growth of 3.2 per cent in the organic grocery market in the four weeks to 16 August, compared with a fall of 0.9 per cent in the same period for non-organic products.

Nielsen pointed out that this followed a period where organic sales had been growing at 1.2 per cent for the year to 16 August, compared to a static figure for general grocery.

Organic sales in the UK now make up a 1.3 per cent share of the £96 billion food and drink market, with 83 per cent of UK households buying organic in some form.

A consumer survey from Nielsen also indicated that 29 per cent of shoppers are willing to pay more for products that are ethically produced or kinder to the environment.

The Soil Association reported that licensees’ organic sales had increased by 8 per cent year on year, with an 11 per cent increase since April 2014. The acceleration in growth follows research into the nutritional benefits of organic crops compared with non-organic crops, published by Newcastle University in July.

The organic body is currently running its Organic September campaign, dubbed Small Changes, Big Difference.

Speaking at the market briefing, Rob Sexton, chief executive of Soil Association Certification said; “The UK’s organic market is fast improving. In fact, on top of the positive Nielsen data, our own figures show that Soil Association symbol holders are reporting an increase of 8 per cent in organic sales year on year.

'Consumers have evidence to help them feel confident about what they buy, in the wake of the Newcastle University report showing how we farm absolutely does impact on the quality of the food we eat. We are also seeing supermarkets and brands making more space for organic on shelves and investing more in innovation and marketing. Combined together, all these indicators reveal the growing confidence in the organic market is well justified.”