Sales of organic food and drink through supermarkets reached £82 million during September, an increase of 15.5 per cent on the previous four-weeks, data from Kantar Worldpanel shows.

This period included Soil Association Organic Fortnight, which ran from 3-17 Septembe. Steve Reid, senior analyst at Kantar Worldpanel said: “The point to note would be that a conscious decision was most likely made by the shopper to buy into organic; which is a positive for the organic food and drink market.”

The rolling 12-week year on year sales shows that the decline in organic has now reached -2 per cent, a sign that the decline is bottoming out, according to the Soil Association. The body’s Finn Cottle said: “This is great news for the organic sector and demonstrates that consumer confidence is returning. It seems that sales are stabilising and we are looking forward to growth again.”
