Organic kiwifruit has significantly higher levels of vitamin C and cholesterol-reducing polyphenols than conventional kiwifruit.

Maria Amodio and Adel Kader from the University of California Davis published their findings this week in Chemistry & Industry, the journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. They also found that the organic fruit was darker in colour and had thicker skin. It contained 14 per cent more vitamin C and a greater concentration of both potassium and calcium. It also had a 27 per cent higher level of antioxidant activity.

Scientists from Britain, France and Poland have also claimed this week that analysis of organic tomatoes, apples and peaches has revealed the produce contains a greater concentration of vitamin C, polyphenols, betacarotene and flavonoids than conventional produce. The nutrients are said to protect the body against heart attacks and cancer-causing chemicals.

The latest research, which formed part of an EU programme led by the University of Newcastle and involved academics across Europe, challenges government speculation about the health benefits of organic food.

"It is very encouraging when science catches up with common sense," said Peter Melchet of the Soil Association. "These studies show that as more science is conducted, more evidence emerges showing beneficial nutritional differences associated with organic food."