Obama's personal consumption will be studied closely

Obama's personal consumption will be studied closely

As the eyes of the world scrutinise new US president Barack Obama, reports suggest he may prove crucial in the worldwide success of fresh produce and healthy eating.

The 190 pound (13 stone) head of state lost weight during his lengthy campaign trail as he hit farmers' markets for local produce and can influence the food market in several ways, according to Ode Magazine.

Obama and vice-president Joe Biden have expressed their desire to support legislation in favour of local and organic agriculture with his wife, Michelle, frequently seen buying organic produce.

His administration has pledged to put nutrition at the forefront of all food-assistance programs meaning food prices on fresh produce could decrease and while the president attempt to implement New York’s proposed ‘obesity taxes’ on junk food.

Ode also believe Obama may combine the Agriculture Department and the Food and Drug Administration creating a single, tighter food safety agency.

President Obama is expected to support legislation designed to improve nutritional standards of foods in schools with his own two children a constant reminder of the education systems importance in healthy eating.