The chief executive of beleaguered organic retailer Whole Foods Market has triggered a boycott of the company after an attack of Barack Obama’s planned healthcare reforms.

Whole Foods ceo John Mackay has criticised the US president’s approach to planned changes to the country’s healthcare system.

In an article for the Wall Street Journal, Mackay was strongly critical of the plan to expand government-funded health care. This expansion is supported by many left-leaning groups and individuals in the US, who also represent a large proportion of Whole Foods’ custom.

The controversy comes after Whole Foods insisted it will not give up on the UK despite recording £36 million losses last year, after widespread criticism of its flagship London store.

There are already signs that customers are boycotting the store with loyal customers posting critical messages about Whole Foods on online forums including Facebook.

Writing for Channel 4 News online, Felicity Spector questioned Mackay’s involvement in the affair. She said: “As ceo of a major company trying to survive amid a recession, he is responsible for his own business. And getting mixed up in one of the most controversial political debates of recent times doesn't seem to make good business sense…

“There are doubtless customers who support his views - but many loyal consumers have already declared they will never shop there again.”
