The Welsh arm of the NFU launched a food and farming campaign in Cardiff to champion domestic produce

The Working Street area of Cardiff was transformed into a Welsh food and farming hub

The Working Street area of Cardiff was transformed into a Welsh food and farming hub

NFU Cymru has launched a new campaign aimed at highlighting the quality of its Welsh produce directly to consumers.

Taking place in Cardiff last week, the campaign was the culmination of NFU Cymru’s third annual Welsh Food & Farming Week. If formed part of the union’s ‘Secure the Future of Welsh Food’ drive.

The Working Street area of Cardiff was transformed into a Welsh food and farming hub on 21 June.

A large digital video van streamed scenes of Welsh landscapes. And shoppers were given samples of organic Welsh apple juice – as well as PGI Welsh Lamb, PGI Welsh Beef, Welsh milk, and Welsh cheese. 

NFU Cymru president Aled Jones said: “Our work today has been another timely reminder of the power and importance of speaking directly with our consumers and championing our role in feeding the nation, but also the high esteem in which the public holds Welsh food and the appetite that exists for people to learn about where their food comes from.”

NFU Cymru deputy president Abi Reader commented: “It has been a really rewarding afternoon engaging with so many members of the public and encouraging them to sign our important pledge campaign to Secure the Future of Welsh Food.”

She added: “The levels of support we’ve had in Cardiff today have been extremely welcome and we will continue to promote the importance of this campaign far and wide.”