Research from think tank Policy Exchange says government plan covering whole food ecosystem is essential

Fresh produce availability has been hit by a number of factors in the past few years

Fresh produce availability has been hit by a number of factors in the past few years

A new report from Policy Exchange has urged the government to develop a national food security strategy that encompasses the entire food ecosystem.

The think tank is calling for further innovation and investment in the food manufacturing sector and supply chain to strengthen UK food security.

In the past few years, this has been rocked by high food price inflation, the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and climatic events.

The report argues that the government should place food security at the heart of industrial strategy and plans for growth – and finds that previous food security initiatives have focused too narrowly on agriculture.

While farming is vital, a strategy that encompasses the whole food ecosystem – including food manufacturing, logistics, wholesale, hospitality and retail – is essential to keep products on shelves and prices down, the report argues.

According to Policy Exchange, investment in Britain’s food and drink manufacturing sector has dropped by 30 per cent since 2019 – despite an estimated industry turnover of £142 billion and exports valued at over £24bn.

Backed by a cross-party group of MPs and peers, the report makes 27 recommendations, across areas including investment, innovation, regulation and international trade.

Other suggested improvements include making it easier for food suppliers to modify their inputs during periods of geopolitical disruption, and enabling the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to fast-track approvals for any product that has already been approved by trusted countries outside the UK.

The think tank also found that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office should make strengthening global food security an increasing focus of the UK’s development spend.

The report has been endorsed by a number of politicians and food industry leaders. Former shadow minister for public health, Sharon Hodgson MP, said: “Food security is one of the major challenges policymakers currently face, and the most vulnerable in our society are those who suffer the most.

“I particularly welcome the focus on innovation to combat food waste, something which I have frequently championed and supported.”

Liberal Dems Lords spokesperson for environment, food and rural affairs, Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville, added: “Cultivating supply chains that are resilient to climate-change related events will be more important than ever, and we can see from the conflicts around the world that a secure supply of food is critical.”