Five new fertiliser products marketed by Potash have received full certification from the Soil Association.

Potash, which achieved certification last year for Patentkali (potash, magnesium and sulphur fertiliser), decided to apply for certification for five more products this year due to what it sees as a steady and sustained period of growth in the sector.

All of the products are formulated from natural minerals extracted from a series of mines which contain mixed crude salts deposited millions of years ago with the evaporation of great landlocked seas present in Europe.

The nutrients found in these deposits include include potassium (potash), magnesium, sodium and sulphur. “These nutrients are of particular value in organic systems due to the variable content and availability of these nutrients in manures,” commented Jerry McHoul, technical manager. “While nitrogen can be generated with careful use of legumes in the rotation, sulphur cannot and as such is thought to be the most important factor limiting yield on many organic farms”.

For detailed information on the conditions of use for these products in organic farming McHoul recommends that growers consult with their certification bodies as all have slightly different interpretations of the EU legislation concerning permitted fertiliser products.

The five products are:

Sulphate of Potash, a granular potash and sulphur fertiliser suitable for all crops requiring additional potash.

Hortisul is highly soluble powdered potash and sulphur product for hand application or for foliar fertigation use.

Magnesia Kainit is a potash, sodium, magnesium and sulphur fertiliser particularly suitable for grazed grassland, forage crops and fodder beet.

Esta Kieserite is a granular magnesium and sulphur product with excellent crop availability properties.

Epsotop is a fine grade Epsom salt product used for foliar application or fertigation to treat and prevent magnesium or sulphur deficiency.
