The phrase ‘ripen at home’ is now very much part of the retail marketing dictionary, but how long the process takes is still somewhat of a grey area. When it comes to South African loose avocados, Asda is now giving customers more of an idea. At 70p each, the fruit are stickered “Ready in 2 to 5 days”. Although this still provides a degree of leeway.
One of the great mysteries is what defines certain general descriptions, such as the term “giant”. It has popped up again at Morrisons; this time with Costa Rican pineapples on a half-price ticket at £1.25. For the record they weigh around 4.5lb.
And there are still some arrivals where buyers are trying to close the seasonal gap. Just before the Mediterranean starts full flood, Tesco has got apricots from the US in. The variety Apache is in the top-end price range with four fruits priced at £4.25.
Offering a selection of root vegetables in what have become universally known as stew packs is not new, but Morrisons has given parsnips a boost by identifying them on the polybag, which includes onions, turnips and carrots all for £1. Meanwhile Sainsbury’s has extended the idea of mixes, offering a complete meal with Tenderstem, carrots and new potatoes at £2.25. The contents are sourced from Jordan, Egypt and the UK.
Anyone who watches professional chefs compete on TV will have been struck by the range of little-known wild herbs that are showing signs of becoming fashionable. They may take time to translate into commercial reality, but the concept has been extended by Marks & Spencer through the title of its new Foragers’ Choice range of salads, at two for £3. It contains lamb’s lettuce, rocket, chard, watercress and, more unusually, fennel with a citric dressing. -