All the news and market analysis for worldwide root vegetable Industry, including root vegetable growers, root vegetable production, and the import and export of root vegetables.
Harvey Choat, MD of comms agency Nexus, explores what fresh produce brands can learn from the best ‘challenger brands’ in food and drink?
Lucy Wilkins of Angus Soft Fruits reflects on the challenges and opportunities for women in horticulture ahead of International Women’s Day on 8 March
The Natutec Airobreez offers precision, efficiency and labour savings, according to Dutch biological crop protection specialist
There have been many challenges over the past seven years, but executives say cooperation has carried the initiative forward
Deceptive supermarket promotions are in the firing line across eastern Europe and Greece, as governments look to protect farmers and consumers
Die Erdbeergruppe von IFAPA (andalusisches Forschungsinstitut für Landwirtschaft, Fischerei und Ernährung) hat eine Schätzung der Sortenverteilung im onubensischen Erdbeeranbau in der laufenden Saison 2024/25 veröffentlicht, ein Dokument, das den Sektor über die Entwicklung der Varietäten informiert, die jedes Jahr am meisten angebaut werden.
In den vergangenen Jahren sah sich die ungarische Walnussproduktion mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die das Erntevolumen und die Marktposition erheblich beeinträchtigt haben.
Die belgische Erdbeersaison wurde am 5. März offiziell bei BelOrta eröffnet. Die ersten Erdbeeren der Saison kommen von den Betrieben Colembie und Colemberry. Das Besondere daran ist, dass Vater und Sohn, Lieven Colembie und Robin Colembie, jeweils am selben Tag die ersten Erdbeeren aus ihren eigenen Betrieben geliefert haben.
Exports will be worth approximately £150,000 a year, according to Defra estimates
Asiafruit Statistics Handbook 2024 underlines how China’s surging demand for tropical fruit is driving the intra-Asia trade
Trial with Ghent University suggests placement of vegetable packs alongside plant-based protein and recipes can inspire more shoppers
Sixteen months on from the flooding that devastated vast swathes of northern Italy, rainfall dropped by Cyclone Boris has hampered the country’s fruit and veg production
Eastern European country’s sweet potato imports have more than doubled in the past five years, according to East Fruit
Naturitalia member says it has identified growing market demand for pre-prepared products within Italy’s catering sector
Under the new agreement 99 per cent of Australian products will enter the UAE tariff free
The group’s Field Days in the Netherlands will see a wide range of products on display, with a particularly strong spinach offering
Vegetable receives an unexpected boost after hack shows quick way to prepare a healthy meal
Michelle Grainger of the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission tells Fred Searle about the organisation’s latest efforts to boost sales in Britain
Queensland carrot grower targets families with lunchbox-friendly snack range of pre-cut and shredded carrots
The company is working on new varieties adapted to high temperatures in the celery, coriander and leek segments
Albert Bartlett’s Scottish produce brand enters Scotland’s snacking category with beetroot crisps
Tim O’Malley, group managing director of UK grower-importer Nationwide Produce, highlights the current weather challenges facing the fresh produce industry
New Rabobank report finds that some exporters continue to grow, despite higher costs due to the pandemic, climate change, and logistics hurdles
The Italian fresh produce exhibition is set to host a special Egyptian pavilion, organised by Expolink, the Egyptian Exporters Association
Three new prepared slaws swap mayo for South and East Asian-inspired dressings