Produce recruitment specialist MorePeople has been announced as the key sponsor of the Institute of Horticulture’s (IoH) Young Horticulturist of the Year (YHOY) competition.
Over the next few weeks, scores of young horticulturists up and down the country will take part in the numerous local heats that lead to the eight regional finals and eventually on to the national final. This year’s grand final will take place at Kew Gardens 15 May.
The competition is open to anyone involved in horticulture who is under the age of 30 on 31 July.
In a statement, the company said: “At MorePeople we regard a key part of our role in YHOY as not just providing financial support through sponsorship, but also helping the IoH widen the appeal of the competition and hopefully ensure that the event becomes more widely recognised in the context of the horticultural profession as a whole - and not just something that is focused on students and their colleges.
“YHOY is a competition that continues to evolve and going forward the IoH are very much committed to further innovations aimed at enhancing its reputation and the status of those who take part.”
The total prize pot is worth £10,000, with the overall YHOY 2010 receiving the top award of a £2,000 travel bursary, donated by the Percy Thrower Trust.