Organic bag

The Soil Association is planning to capitalise on strong sales figures to recalibrate the organic message to 'make organic the everyday choice for everybody'.

Soil Association Certification said it was making the change on the back of new research into the breadth of organic consumers and their particular shopping habits.

The move comes as new figures from Nielsen reveal a 5.6 per cent increase in organic sales for the 52 weeks to 13 August, with the organic market set to break the £2 billion mark this year.

Further research from consultancy The Crow Flies, presented at an Organic September trade briefing in London, showed that shoppers are looking for organics to become a regular part of their daily lives, suggesting huge opportunity for the category.

Soil Association Certifcation business development manager Clare McDermott said the body now plans to work to communicate a focused and clear message about what organic is.

She added: 'The organic market is in the fourth consecutive year of growth against continuing decline in non-organic food sales. There are clear opportunities across a variety of sectors, with growth driven by fresh produce and grocery, but also home baking and store cupboard essentials. Shoppers are increasingly buying organic as it answers their need for a healthy, sustainable and ethical choice.

“83 per cent of households have bought organic in the last year. It is obvious that organic has a huge part to play in the future retail landscape and more people than ever are aware of organic and seeking out organic purchases.'