Macfrut unveils fresh-cut fair

The Italian fresh produce sector gathered at Macfrut last week to showcase its export potential and visit a spin-off fair for the fresh-cut sector.

The three-day event, which kicked off on April 17, was billed as a bridge between Italian fruit and vegetable producers and overseas markets.

Some 700 exhibitors held stands on 30,000 square metres and welcomed 21,500 visitors and 70 foreign delegations.

The Fresh-Cut Produce Show brought together producers, packing companies and leading players in the distribution sector, to reinforce that Italy is Europe’s second-biggest market behind the UK, with a turnover in 700 million euros in 2007, and growth in excess of six per cent by value and three per cent by volume.

Visitors to Macfrut learnt that the turnover of the Italian fruit and vegetable industry totalled 22.8 billion euros in 2007, an increase of 1.1 per cent on 2006.

Italy produced a total 23.8 million tonnes of fruit and vegetables last year, of which 3.7mt were sold abroad, up 5.6 per cent on 2006.

Domenico Scarpellini, president of Cesena Fiera, said: “This year’s event saw 400 business meetings taking place between the most representative international companies from the Middle East, Turkey and South America.

“Our mission to promote internationalisation is also manifested in the new Macfrut International project, a collective exhibition by Italian companies targeting overseas markets under the protective wing of Macfrut, an initiative which we hope to expand significantly in future editions.”
