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Dame Professor Anne Glover gave the keynote address at the LEAF conference 2015

Health was the main theme of LEAF’s (Linking Environment And Farming) annual conference, which took place yesterday (3 November) at HSBC's headquarters in London.

The conference, ‘Setting the Agenda: Healthy Food and Farming Fit for the Future’, explored how technology, science, innovation and strong public engagement will be critical to tackling challenges such as climate change, population growth and increasing public health issues.

Dame Professor Anne Glover DBE, former chief scientific adviser to the European Commission, gave the keynote speech at the event, where she set out her thoughts for ensuring policies and legislation for food and farming are evidence-based.

“The world’s population should expect access to sufficient healthy food produced without detriment to our environment. To meet this demand we need to cultivate open minds, imagination and innovation,” she said.

Other speakers at the conference included NFU president Meurig Raymond, who spoke about industry collaboration as key to the future, and Sainsbury’s director of brand Judith Batchelar who highlighted how the retailer is working with farmers to bring about change.

Sara Eppel, Defra’s head of innovative and sustainable farming explained how the government is developing a 25-year food and farming plan.

Elsewhere, LEAF demonstration farmer Jake Freestone told delegates how he is using innovation and technology, particularly in soil management.

LEAF chief executive Caroline Drummond said: “Deciding how to balance the competing pressures and demands on the global food system is a major task facing policy makers.

“We strongly believe that setting the agenda for meeting the needs of the future will hinge on innovation, cross industry collaboration, scientific advancements and strengthening public engagement.

“Ahead of LEAF’s 25th Anniversary in 2016, we will be looking to strengthen our partnerships across the food and farming sector to help deliver pragmatic and sustainable solutions that are resilient to future uncertainties. We’re delighted that so many industry leaders, LEAF members and farmers were able to join us today to discuss and debate the issues.”