At crazy Fox Golf, we are proud to be a department of health’s 5 A DAY Just Eat More (fruit & veg) logo holder. Through our Putt Fruit 1st workshops, we aim to introduce people to sport and to encourage them to take part, but also to teach them about the importance of eating healthily.

We primarily run school workshops with five to 11 year olds, as well as sessions for business groups across the Midlands. During the school workshops, we encourage children to play a game of crazy golf along a course made of fruit shapes - they always enjoy putting along pear-shaped greens, avoiding apples and bending around bananas.

The course not only encourages the children to play more golf, but also helps to teach hand-eye co-ordination. Following the physical activity, the children take part in the Crazy Fox Fruit Quiz, which teaches them about fruit, how it is grown and the importance of eating at least five pieces of fruit and veg each day. We want to make children feel enthusiastic about eating fruit and living healthier lifestyles.

In our experience, children would quite happily eat biscuits for breakfast - some have never even heard of a mango. We are regularly told that fruit is horrible and boring. These are the opinions we want to challenge, not only with the children, but by raising awareness about 5 A DAY with their parents as well.

The 5 A DAY logo and programme plays a very important role in changing the perceptions of both the young and old. Its message is simple and continued exposure is sure to make a big difference. We use the logo to great effect on the company vehicle, business letterheads, on the front of the Crazy Fox Fruit Quiz and on the company website.

The 5 A DAY project works well as a lead into conversation about fruit and veg. We are constantly trying to promote healthy eating to schools, children and their parents. It seems that the mention of 5 A DAY often spurs people to look at their own diet and ask themselves whether they are eating enough fruit and veg.

We want to educate our customers about 5 A DAY and the importance of healthy eating so that they can then spread the word to their friends and families.

The feedback we have had from customers seems to suggest that this is working; people tell us that having understood the importance of eating 5 A DAY they have been encouraged to examine their diets to increase their intake of fruit and veg.

For more information about Crazy Fox Golf and Putt Fruit 1st workshops, visit