Get your posters from WCRF

Get your posters from WCRF

Worldwide Fruit’s Jazz apple brand is supporting World Cancer Research Fund UK’s awareness day, Fruity Friday.

On May 26, Fruity Friday aims to encourage consumers to eat more fruit by highlighting the link between a healthy diet and a reduced risk of developing cancer.

The Jazz brand is helping to raise funds by sponsoring an interactive scratch poster, which is being sent out to 20,000 work places and schools across the UK.

Contestants donate money to pick one of the poster’s 40 covered squares in the hope of finding a picture of Pip the strawberry - Fruity Friday’s official mascot. The panels are scratched off on Fruity Friday and the winner gets £20 - half the poster’s proceeds - while the rest of the money is sent back to the charity.

Jazz is also supporting two WCRF UK ‘Beat the Banana!’ fun runs taking place on the day in London’s Hyde Park and Clifton Down, Bristol. Contestants are invited to try and outrun a costumed racer and will all win Jazz apples in goodie bags for taking part.

Gary Harrison, commercial manager for Worldwide Fruit, said: “ Fruity Friday is a fun and exciting opportunity to promote the serious issue of cancer and how healthy eating can help protect you against it. We are delighted that Worldwide Fruit is playing such a key role through our Jazz apples brand and welcome the chance to remind people that these apples are a new and tasty way to reach the 5 A DAY recommended intake of fruits and vegetables.”

Proceeds from the day will also go towards WCRF UK’s cancer research and education programmes. WCRF senior fundraising manager Linda Ellis said: “Everyone at WCRF is pleased to be working with Worldwide Fruit brand Jazz apples and we are grateful for their support.. Together we hope to have a positive impact on the British public.”

FPJ is Fruity Friday’s official media partner.
