Fruit and veg will no longer be sold under the Keelings, Love to Grow trademark, retailer tells The Grocer

Keelings Love to Grow

A report in The Grocer suggests Iceland Foods is now selling all of its fresh fruit and vegetables under its own brand, meaning it will no longer market any produce under the Keelings, Love to Grow label.

However, it is also understood that the retailer’s partnership with Irish supplier Keelings remains otherwise unchanged.

“We’ve been rolling out our new Iceland own-label packaging for our fresh produce range since the start of the year,” a spokesperson told The Grocer.“It’s been a great hit with customers, and we’ve seen a significant rise in sales. This is because our customers trust the quality and value of the Iceland brand, and Keelings remain an important supplier for us.”

The company rolled out the Keelings, Love to Grow label as part of a major revamp of its fruit and veg offer in late 2023, adding it to a range of fresh produce sold in its Iceland and Food Warehouse stores.