Guy Moreton, Jayne Davies, Tim Briercliffe

Guy Moreton, Jayne Davies, Tim Briercliffe

The HTA presented two ‘candidates of the year’ with their Plant Care and Shop Care Training Awards 2007 at Glee.

Anne Lewis and Jayne Davis each received £500, which can be spent on additional training, a horticultural study trip or relevant training materials to further their horticultural careers.

Anne Lewis, winner of the Retail Shop Care Candidate of the Year, is assistant manager at Squires Garden Centre in Badshot Lea, Farnham, and was describer by the award’s assessor as ‘the best shop care candidate I have ever assessed’.

Jayne Davies, of the Old Railwayline Garden Centre in Brecon won the Retail Plant Care award. Davies was commended not only for having a ‘very high level of knowledge in all areas’, but also for helping other candidates through their training.

Guy Moreton of MorePeople, who presented the awards, said: “We are delighted to be involved with the HTA’s Candidates of the Year 2007 awards and are very impressed with the quality of the two winners. Both candidates have demonstrated a clear desire to develop their careers within the horticulture sector and their employers shouls be congratulated for their support and encouragement.”

The HTA’s director of business development, Tim Briercliffe, added: “The HTA training awards are essential for garden centres to gain trained, knowledgeable and confident staff.