Valencia oranges

Citrus groves in Valencia were hit by hail

Hail on 27 May has caused significant damage to citrus groves in the eastern Spanish region of Valencia.

Several different storms swept the region on Monday afternoon, causing varying degrees of damage. In the Ribera area kakifruit and orange plantations were hit by hail, which was followed by heavy rainfall.

Cristóbal Aguado, president of the Valencia growers’ association Ava-Asaja, said: “We are experiencing spring characterised by significant atmospheric instability and once again hail has damaged crops.”

He added that his organisation would be seeking support from regional and national government for those growers affected, including free supplies of fungicide and other treatments for damaged trees.

“Given the drastic cuts that subsidies to farm insurance have suffered, growers are more defenceless than ever in the face of weather-related incidents and the authorities are obliged to offer them their full support,” concluded Aguado.