BBC's John Inverdale, left, and New Spitalfields Tenants' Association chairman Chris Hutchinson, right, present Brian Tompsett with his award

BBC's John Inverdale, left, and New Spitalfields Tenants' Association chairman Chris Hutchinson, right, present Brian Tompsett with his award

A truly momentous year for apple grower Alan Firmin Ltd has culminated in the achievement of the title Top Fruit Grower of the Year at last week’s Haymarket Grower of the Year awards.

The evening threw up a double celebration, with the Norman Collett supplier also scooping the overall Edibles Grower of the Year accolade, chosen from the winners of the six edible categories.

The team from Alan Firmin Ltd, including chairman Paul Firmin and farm manager Brian Tompsett, were at the London event as guests of Collets to receive the awards.

This season, Tompsett has won every industry prize possible: two Kent orchard management prizes, a Tesco UK award and an International Fruit Grower of the Year award. He also scooped three prestigious prizes at the 75th National Fruit Show in October.

Colletts md Andy Sadler said: “Working with a company like Firmins is a real pleasure. The fruit is of excellent quality and we are delighted that the company, and Brian, have received the recognition that is so well deserved.”

For Tompsett, who has been growing top fruit for more than 40 years, it was a great honour to be presented with the awards, and has rounded off a remarkable year.

Firmin added: “I am delighted that the fruit arm of Alan Firmin Ltd has achieved so much this season and I thank Brian and the staff for all of their hard work and dedication.”