A breakthrough study using grapes could prove to be a major step in tackling diabetes and weight issues.

The new US study shows that grape seed extract switches gene signals back on that help insulin receptors work properly - a major discovery for any person concerned with their weight or diabetes.

It is common to find that insulin no longer functions properly in metabolism and insulin resistance occurs; a situation where there is too much of the hormone insulin but it is not acting in a useful way. This is because hormones latch on to receptors - a common problem for many hormones during ageing.

The study, from health website Wellness Resources, shows that grape seed extracts can actually turn insulin receptors back on, restoring more youthful function, as longevity is also linked to healthy blood sugar and insulin function. The research is thought to be of immense importance to any person whose blood sugar has risen above 90 in resolving metabolic problems.

It is of little health value to put insulin into a patient whose insulin receptors are not working very well and can cause them to gain weight quickly.