Farming minister George Eustice MP will deliver the opening address at this year’s UK Brassica & Leafy Salad Conference.
Brexit will be the main topic of his presentation at the event, and there will be time for delegates to ask questions on the government’s plans for the fresh produce industry in the future.
Held at the KingsGate Conference Centre, Peterborough, the conference takes place on Wednesday 25 January.
Talks will include the food supply chain post-Brexit by Justin Urquhart Stewart of Seven Investment Management, and challenges and opportunities for UK food and drink by Ian Wright of the Food & Drink Federation.
Speakers in the technical sessions include campaign manager at Bayer CropScience, Tim Lacey, and Rosemary Collier of the Warwick Crop Centre. There will also be a talk on the global status of brassica pest Diamondback moth, by David Grzywacz of the University of Greenwich.
The conference is followed by a trade dinner, held at the nearby Holiday Inn, where the David Piccaver and Geoff Philpott industry awards will be presented.
Registration for the conference, dinner tickets and trade exhibition is now open online.