We set up Fruit4London in July 2008 as a way for businesses around the capital to provide healthy, fresh produce to their employees. At Fruit4London, we deliver seasonal, high-quality products to allow busy workplaces to enjoy some of the best produce around.

We provide a wide selection of fruit baskets, boxes and gifts, which helps staff to work towards their 5 A DAY target.

The products we offer range from traditional English produce such as apples, pears and berries, to more exotic fruits including pineapples, mangoes and papayas. We also have a selection of dried fruit and fruit juices, which can provide another way towards the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

As a company, we firmly believe that eating five portions of fruit and vegetables daily is key to maintaining a healthy diet. Many of our clients understand the benefits of providing their employees with their recommended 5 A DAY. The 5 A DAY message and logo is instantly recognisable on our products, to remind everyone of the benefits of eating more fruit and vegetables.

We do understand that people lead busy lives and sometimes miss out on their nutritious fruit and vegetables - therefore, we believe that our fruit boxes can make it quicker and easier to achieve 5 A DAY. It is extremely encouraging to see the increase in demand for our produce, which means that more people are enjoying the benefits of our products, rather than reaching for less healthy snacks or treats at their desks. We are a small team at the moment, but we are keen to grow and spread the Just Eat More (fruit & veg) message further.

For more information about what we offer, visit www.fruit4london.co.uk/home.html