The warehouse of box scheme supplier 5ADayBox in Devizes, Wiltshire, has been flooded in water that is four-feet deep following torrential rain in the area.

Staff spent the weekend moving produce from the flooded part of the warehouse to safety, while fire services and members of the community helped pump water out of the site.

The premises, which sits 100 feet over a brook, has been flooded in the past but news outlet This is Wiltshire reported that managing director Ken Mortimer said this was the worst they had experienced.

He also told This is Wiltshire that the flooding occurred due to water running off the nearby saturated fields.

Two offices and one warehouse were affected by the water, but the company said that no orders were disrupted.

Mortimer said in the past the warehouse has flooded to an inch in the warehouse in the past, but that was the highest he had seen it during his 15 years at the site, reported This is Wiltshire.

Firefighters spent a total of 11 hours over the weekend pumping out water from the property.

Vegetables for the 5ADayBox scheme are grown in Bromham in Wiltshire and salads are sourced from the Vale of Evesham.

Last week, NFU regional director for the South-West Ian Johnsontold FPJ that the intensity of the weather was extreme. He said the volatility of the storms is what could cause problems for growers.

Today, Environment minister Owen Paterson will chair the second Cobra meeting in a week to brief emergency services and agencies on how to provide support during the bad weather.

Speaking after last Thursday’s emergency Cobra meeting, Paterson said: “I urge everyone in affected areas to sign up to the Environment Agency flood warnings and follow the advice they issue to protect themselves and their properties.”