The 50 new lines include Isle of Wight heirloom tomatoes and British sweetcorn

Fresh Direct roll out 50 new British fresh produce lines for the summer, including Heirloom Tomatoes

Fresh Direct is rolling out 50 new British fresh produce lines for the summer

Fresh Direct, the UK’s leading foodservice supplier of fresh produce, has launched a seasonal range for summer 2024.

The new offering features around 50 British lines, including heirloom tomatoes from the Isle of Wight, padron peppers, and British sweetcorn.

The foodservice supplier is aiming to drive sales of British fruit and vegetables through its ‘Best of British’ campaign, which champions UK growers and supports foodservice customers to use more local food on their menus.

Fresh Direct said it now sells more British produce than ever before.

To support the campaign, Fresh Direct has produced a seasonal brochure, 15 British supplier videos, and a bespoke section on its website. The aim is to support customers that want to highlight provenance and share growers’ stories.

Sysco GB CEO Paul Nieduszynski said: “The response from customers has been very positive and the feedback on the early season fruit and veg has been outstanding.”